Subject Title Advice for the Weird

That’s it, that’s all.  I recently read a post by Ramit Sethi that was titled “Productivity advice for the weird.”  None of the advice was different from everything you’ve already read, so the biggest thing to pay attention to in the post was how his title got you to click.

Everyone wants to be more productive – check.

Everyone wants advice – check.

“Weird”, the key to the click, this doesn’t mean the clicker is weird, but the clicker will be curious how weird people are productive – check.

That’s the secret sauce to producing a quality headline.  Appeal to curiosity with a simple phrase.  See how many of the following titles you would have a 50% or greater chance to click on:

  • Health advice for the weird.
  • Car advice for the weird.
  • Garden advice for the weird.
  • Reading advice for the weird.
  • Sales advice for the weird.
  • Cooking advice for the weird.

Weird automatically adds a layer of mystique to what is otherwise ordinary drivel you’ve seen on a million bullet point clickbait posts.  It’s also a lot better use of keywords than a simple “Productivity Advice” title.

Verdict: B – Great pitch where you could end up starting the buying process, or you click on the ad or link.

Justification:  Hey, I clicked.  Even if I wasn’t already pre-sold on Ramit, I probably would’ve clicked.